Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day, and it sounds like everyone else did too!

I want to share the gift from my son.

All the pieces were in a bag, and I had to put it together like a puzzle.

On the back of each piece are hand-written coupons, for things like a free hug, a free kiss, dish washing, etc.

All coupons have an expiration date of July 4, 2011.

The most heartwarming coupon? The one that brought tears to my eyes and laughter to my lips?

This one....

He knows me so well.


  1. Oh Paula, your son is wonderful! Did he come up with this idea all on his own? Any help from dad? Either way, I'm very impressed.

  2. Ahhhhhhh!!

    My card from my son was also the said on the front Star Wars are cool, on the inside, Legos are too, and on the very back, it said MOM (decorated letters) is cooler!!

    My favorite.

    (don't tell the girls, their cards were great too)

    Wow, that coyote is pretty cool!!! Kind of scary though. We saw the fox (we call her Red) attack a neighbor's cat, pretty exciting, it was about 1pm yesterday--in the rain!

    The cat got away. (they have 9 lives)

  3. Noreen, he did it all himself. No help from Dad or big sister!

    Jamie, that card sounds great! I told you, foxes are mean and nasty.

    Lori, I think so too!

  4. That is the CUTEST thing!! How sweet, creative & thoughtful. So listen, if you aren't going to use that coupon, I'll take it! Just sayin'.lol

    P.S. Good job putting the puzzle together Paula. I'm so proud of you. XO


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