Thursday, December 24, 2009

The sixth name on our prayer list...

My online friend Mary Ellen lost her son a few months ago.

She has written an incredible and heart wrenching post.

Please say a prayer for them.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Christmas Present

Isn't this the best thing you've seen? My very artistic friend Laura is married to Michael, a very talented man. She had the idea, the vision, and he ran with it.

Must. Have. Must. Have. Must. Have.

So I got one. (they have more....)

And I asked for it unfinished, so I could stain it to match our existing woodwork.

I did, and it does.


It didn't look very happy on those western beige walls. Not that a prayer list, by rights, would always be happy, but just hung there, washed out, sad, lonely.

Not anymore...

A little bit of red makes everything happy!

And I didn't stop there.





Looking downstairs...

Learning room...